About this Blog
The purpose of this blog and the accompanying art pieces is to help myself and others find a productive path forward through the haze and maze of the dual illness, Depression/Anxiety. My qualifications to be sharing my ever-evolving management plan for coping with this disease with others rest on the fact that I have been lucky enough to have excellent medical insurance. My insurance has given me unfettered access to top-notch mental health professionals and the latest techniques being used to help people with our disease. Because I have been so fortunate in this regard, I feel a strong desire — and need — to share what I have learned. In sharing, I help to reinforce my own understanding, as well as providing insights that will hopefully help others as much as they have has helped me.
The Blog in Book Form
In order to make the contents of this blog more easily available, both to my fellow sufferers as well as to those professionals and lay people, including family members, who are concerned about how people can deal with chronic Depression/Anxiety, I have made it available in book form, both as an e-book, as well as in a printed version. You can order either or both versions by using the links below.
Recent Posts
Each blog post has an accompanying piece of original art. These pieces of my art are meant to be a my visual interpretation of the emotions I am expressing in the blog post.
Blog Post Categories
12 Steps | Addictions | Anti-Depressives & Effects | Anxiety | Depression
Electro Shock Treatment | Holidays | Medical Care | Phobias | Suicide
Hospital visit in Covid times
Travel Is Not Fun
Waiting…Time for it to end?
What is Next?
Covid 19 or not
Monsters on the Bus…
Anger is Chasing Me
Anger on the Rise
Fear and Loathing
Three months into the pandemic society is losing its moorings…
During the first phase of the Pandemic I was in shock. I have now moved into fear…
Living in the Moment
For those suffering from Depression and Anxiety when the world is running relatively smoothly, these ailments can get out of control when the world is in an international pandemic…
I recently talked to a close relative whose family had the virus…
THE BIG ONE HAS ARRIVED…there is nothing harder for a person with depression/anxiety disease as uncertainty…
Phobias are hard to Handle.
Phobias are part of the disease of Anxiety/Depression. While I have a number of them, I generally…
Addictions and Anxiety, a Merry Go Round
I have had an irritated bowel for 9 months bowel caused by an anxiety induced stomach infection….
In the Moment in December
Anxiety is a constant companion in my life today. I live with it all day and dream anxious…
Chaos in the Air
As I mentioned in my last post I’ve been dealing with a stomach problem that resulted from…