The Dog Has to Wait

I thought I would write a blog entry today about the benefits of pets for those of us who get too involved with our own negative thoughts to see anything else.  But I realize that I need to say something else.

I am an artist, and I went to an artists’ residency program for two weeks.  While there, I put a lot of energy out and got a lot of work done.  I did not feel depressed, but I realized that after the residency was over, my depression would kick in.

I got home a week ago and for the last few days, I have been into the “I am a horrible person” scenario.  When I meditated, I was asking for forgiveness for my sins.  I guess my depression really had kicked in.  Yesterday, it also occurred to me during meditation that my low self-esteem was not fact based.  I am not a horrible person as it turns out.  So I need to get back to my “my thoughts are not my friends” mantra.  But I did get a puppy.  More about that in my next post.


Finally about the Dog


Acknowledging the Disease in Your Gut