Turbo Charged Anxiety


I have a severe anxiety problem. I also am full of phobias. My most dangerous phobia is related to getting medical tests for cancer related illnesses and then waiting for the results. This phobia started 35 years ago when I was told I was dying of cancer (melanoma). Nothing like a death sentence to get your motor racing. My fate for the last 35 years has been to wait. While you would think they would try to relax me and say I am cured, they are so baffled that I did not die, that death in their eyes is still on the table. Twice a year I face these tests with a few exploratory surgeries thrown in. While I know that I have had great good fortune and that everything has turned out negative so far, my phobic based anxiety treats all of the tests and surgical probes as if this was day one of the death sentence instead of hundreds of days later.

I have just been through one of these phobia based anxiety adventures and it was quite miserable. I think one way I could have improved on the experience was not to see all the doctors in the same week.  Putting so much phobic related anxiety on my plate in one week was just too overwhelming.  Naturally everything was fine.


Alien for a Day


Free Floating Anxiety