Humility – A Way Forward


Easter is on Sunday and Lent was the prior six weeks.  The Catholic practice (I am alienated from my official Church) is to give up something during Lent.  I think my life is hard enough without giving anything up.  But today is Good Friday and I think the crucifixion of Jesus is about God telling us she/he knows how hard life can be. Also, the message is not to judge yourself.

I can learn from this story to deal with my anger and self pity straight on, and let go of them at least for today.  Humility around my mental issues addresses my resentments.  Humility for me means not fighting life but accepting life for what it is.  Just letting go…..

Humility in the face of the vast and difficult issues of being human is frankly a great relief.

My mantra for the day is “Let Go and Let God”.


My Car was Stolen


Phobia, Depression