Self Compassion
One of the best ways to counter feelings of shame, guilt and inadequatcy stemming from depression/anxiety is Self-compassion.
”Key points: Self-compassion is the movement of your heart when experiencing your own pain and sorrow.
Cultivating self compassion softens your heart and allows you to make friends with yourself.
Self-compassion allows you to experience the felt sense of what you are experiencing, however painful it might be.
When you can feel the felt sense of your pain and stay with it, something within you unlocks and your heart can open.
The Self-Compassion Practice, helps you feel your own suffering.
Self–Compassion Mediation: Feel the sensations in your body. Place right hand over heart and left hand on belly
Hold yourself in an attitude of kindness and caring. Pull-up an image that is currently challenging, what are the feelings?
Repeat the following phrases:
May I hold myself with gentle care
May I hold myself with compassion, even when I feel vulnerable
May I extend tenderness toward myself as I experience this challenge to my body and life
May I be free from suffering and all its causes
May I tend to myself during this trying time with loving care
May I offer compassion to myself, especially when I feel vulnerable
May I extend caring toward myself when I feel scared and lonely
May I be able to hold my fear with tender care
May I hold myself with tenderness and friendship
May I hold myself my sense of shame, guilt, and insecurity with gentleness and understanding
May I take care of my body so it will be healthy and well
May I give myself the gift of tender to myself
May I be free from suffering and the causes of suffering
May I receive the support I need
May life rise up to meet me.
The other side of the coin from Self-compassion practice is Loving Kindness Practice which wishes yourself well.
Repeat the following phrases:
May my heart be full of loving kindness
May I continue my life with ease
May I be free from inner and outer danger to my body,
heart, and mind
May my mind and heart be free of sticky thoughts and feelings
May I accept my life with all its challenges and opportunities
May my mind be open to the sky to all that flows through.”
Practices are from Heartwork by Dr. Weininger, MD, PhD