Still Working on Flying Solo
It is difficult to imagine being alone and living a productive independent life. The thought of it makes me tired so that I want to lie down and read a book. However “out of it” I might be feeling (I poured tea into my granola this morning), because it is now 6 weeks since my husband’s heart surgery, I could be in the throes of having a post-traumatic stress moment. It fits my pattern of holding things together and then falling apart after the danger has passed.
Actually the two things are related. I do not want to be so dependent, so I am trying to do things on my own and to take care of myself. But now, I am side-tracked by PTSD. I think that the first thing to do is to take a walk and listen carefully to the sounds around me. My new strategy is to do one independent thing a day, for example, to get my hair cut and have a manicure. Actually, those are two things.