Recent Posts
Each blog post has an accompanying piece of original art. These pieces of my art are meant to be a my visual interpretation of the emotions I am expressing in the blog post.
Blog Post Categories
12 Steps | Addictions | Anti-Depressives & Effects | Anxiety | Depression
Electro Shock Treatment | Holidays | Medical Care | Phobias | Suicide
Seeing is Believing
One of the advantages of my being depressed is the fact that I am constantly monitoring…
My Car was Stolen
While being victimized by a car thief when the car is fully insured is not a financial tragedy…
Traveling in Depression land
I started to meditate and let my imagination land on a scene from a movie. I am the main character…
A New Year – I am still here!
If I want to continue to exist in 2015, it is helpful if I look at how 2014 worked out. I need…
Desperation: Where Is It Hiding
In my head my sense of desperation can get very loud or it can quietly sneak up on me. Sometimes…
The Empty Hole
While there is lots of color and activity around my empty hole in the middle of my psyche, why do…
Is it Depression or Shyness?
I am the type of person that appears cheerful and talkative in a social situation once I am in it. The hard part…
Here I Go Again
I have hidden this blog in the biosphere, not using my real name. If you did not know about it from…
“Brain Fever”
I recently did some psychological work on an old medical trauma. Since this was the medical trauma…
Cry It Away, Baby
Last week, I was putting my granddaughter to sleep, and she cried inconsolably for over an hour…
Other People
I live with another person. Dealing with this person on a daily basis confuses me with regard…
Between Two Worlds
I am going back on my anti-depression medication after getting a perfect score on the…
Doing Amazing Things and Then Crashing
In my last post (from two months ago, which I just reread), I was sailing through life having…
How Depression/Anxiety Has a Life of Its Own
Rationally, I realize that I have a physical disease like heart disease. I can imagine that people…
Jet Lag and Depression/Anxiety
I am in Europe for both business and pleasure for a few weeks. I arrived in Berlin yesterday…