Recent Posts
Each blog post has an accompanying piece of original art. These pieces of my art are meant to be a my visual interpretation of the emotions I am expressing in the blog post.
Blog Post Categories
12 Steps | Addictions | Anti-Depressives & Effects | Anxiety | Depression
Electro Shock Treatment | Holidays | Medical Care | Phobias | Suicide
Finally about the Dog
I decided that my life had no real structure, and this was leading me to act in a way (letting my…
The Dog Has to Wait
I thought I would write a blog entry today about the benefits of pets for those of us who get…
Acknowledging the Disease in Your Gut
I am always trying to prove to myself that I am okay or to validate that I am a flawed person…
Between Two Worlds
I am going back on my anti-depression medication after getting a perfect score on the…
Be Good to Yourself
As I write this, I am having a hard time imagining how being good to myself would look. My status…
Accepting Powerlessness
I feel like I have been brought to my knees by my anxiety/depression. I feel like I am truly powerless…
Angels to the Rescue
When I get so consumed with anxiety, the anxiety state becomes my reality. A relative was…
Using the Serenity Prayer to Find Reality
This morning, I woke up and felt like I did not want to move. My husband took the car, because…
Doing Amazing Things and Then Crashing
In my last post (from two months ago, which I just reread), I was sailing through life having…
How Easy It Is Trigger Depression/Anxiety – The D/A Instruction Book
As I mentioned in my last post, I am being genetically tested for future cancers. I have already…
How Depression/Anxiety Has a Life of Its Own
Rationally, I realize that I have a physical disease like heart disease. I can imagine that people…
Jet Lag and Depression/Anxiety
I am in Europe for both business and pleasure for a few weeks. I arrived in Berlin yesterday…
How to Help a Friend in Need...
An old dear friend has had a relapse of his prostate cancer this fall, and there are no further…
Too Many People and Too Much Going On... Turning the Voice Off that Says I Can’t Handle It
As the holidays approach, I am freaking out. It is not about anything in particular, but just all the…
Managing the Details of Everyday Life in a Timely Manner
It is fall, and I am just now focusing on chores from the summer. I have a fabulous gate and fence…
The New Door is Opening...
I am in the midst of a life changing event — retirement (or as one friend put it ” the beginning…
Meditation as a Tool to Combat Depression/Anxiety
My mind/thought process is naturally set to “Google” search. Or to put it another way, I can spend…
Taking Your Depression Pulse
One of the things that I find the most helpful is to take a reading of my depression/anxiety…