Recent Posts
Each blog post has an accompanying piece of original art. These pieces of my art are meant to be a my visual interpretation of the emotions I am expressing in the blog post.
Blog Post Categories
12 Steps | Addictions | Anti-Depressives & Effects | Anxiety | Depression
Electro Shock Treatment | Holidays | Medical Care | Phobias | Suicide
Detox – Shame and Blame of Mental Illness part 2
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if one could control when and if one has a mental illness? The sense…
Becoming your own Loving Parent
Depression and Anxiety often first reveal themselves to children who live in highly dysfunctional…
Detox from the Shame and Blame of Mental Illness part 1
I have family members who spent a lifetime being depressed and using alcohol to kill the pain…
Making a Choice Every Morning
When I wake up I sometimes get on my iPad to see if I have any emails and then look around…
The Depression Bubble – How To Burst It?
Depression and Anxiety makes me feel like I am living in a “bubble”. Those looking at me do not…
What I Do All Day
I woke up this morning wondering what I had done for the last three months beyond being very anxious…
Change of Circumstance – Opening the Door
The Depression/Anxiety disease I have has been passed down through the generations…
How to Relate to Adult Children?
I am a mother. How can I relate to my adult child when I am suffering from Depression/Anxiety…
Finally about the Dog
I decided that my life had no real structure, and this was leading me to act in a way (letting my…
The Dog Has to Wait
I thought I would write a blog entry today about the benefits of pets for those of us who get…
Acknowledging the Disease in Your Gut
I am always trying to prove to myself that I am okay or to validate that I am a flawed person…
Be Good to Yourself
As I write this, I am having a hard time imagining how being good to myself would look. My status…
Accepting Powerlessness
I feel like I have been brought to my knees by my anxiety/depression. I feel like I am truly powerless…
Using the Serenity Prayer to Find Reality
This morning, I woke up and felt like I did not want to move. My husband took the car, because…
How Easy It Is Trigger Depression/Anxiety – The D/A Instruction Book
As I mentioned in my last post, I am being genetically tested for future cancers. I have already…
How to Help a Friend in Need...
An old dear friend has had a relapse of his prostate cancer this fall, and there are no further…
Too Many People and Too Much Going On... Turning the Voice Off that Says I Can’t Handle It
As the holidays approach, I am freaking out. It is not about anything in particular, but just all the…
Managing the Details of Everyday Life in a Timely Manner
It is fall, and I am just now focusing on chores from the summer. I have a fabulous gate and fence…