Recent Posts
Each blog post has an accompanying piece of original art. These pieces of my art are meant to be a my visual interpretation of the emotions I am expressing in the blog post.
Blog Post Categories
12 Steps | Addictions | Anti-Depressives & Effects | Anxiety | Depression
Electro Shock Treatment | Holidays | Medical Care | Phobias | Suicide
The scariest word for the sufferers of depression and anxiety, is SUICIDE. Why do I sometimes…
Afraid of Being Afraid
I have just experienced true fear. The crisis that ignited this fear is winding down. However, I…
A Hard Hitting Anxiety Attack
Full throttle anxiety attacks are frightening because of the mental and physical feelings…
My granddaughter was given another operation on August 20th to connect her heart and lungs…
Megan’s Beautiful Heart
I have a 20 day old granddaughter lying in an Intensive Care Unit just waiting…to be saved or…
My granddaughter was just born with severe heart problems. I am totally confused about how…
I woke up feeling really anxious. I was having a flight or flight moment. After thinking about…
Any thought can be interpretation in two ways. As a depressive I will generally take the more…
Mother’s Day
I have wondered over the years whether and how my depression/anxiety has effected my…
Sad About Nothing in Particular
I had a great day and as the sun set I started to feel sad. I went over everything that happened…
Anxiety Central
Anxiety, in my case, is a 24-hour affair. I start the day with an ever so slight discomfort…
Seeing is Believing
One of the advantages of my being depressed is the fact that I am constantly monitoring…
My Car was Stolen
While being victimized by a car thief when the car is fully insured is not a financial tragedy…
Humility – A Way Forward
Easter is on Sunday and Lent was the prior six weeks. The Catholic practice (I am alienated…
Traveling in Depression land
I started to meditate and let my imagination land on a scene from a movie. I am the main character…
Last month I dipped into a depression as I was changing around my meds. What is important…
A New Year – I am still here!
If I want to continue to exist in 2015, it is helpful if I look at how 2014 worked out. I need…
Looking Back – Three Years of Working My Program
After three years of posting on this site, I decided to read over my posts and to try…