Recent Posts
Each blog post has an accompanying piece of original art. These pieces of my art are meant to be a my visual interpretation of the emotions I am expressing in the blog post.
Blog Post Categories
12 Steps | Addictions | Anti-Depressives & Effects | Anxiety | Depression
Electro Shock Treatment | Holidays | Medical Care | Phobias | Suicide
Imaginary Thinking
When one is three you use imaginary thinking to understand the world. If something bad…
Am I Ok or Not
I am in a situation where on any objective scale the world would say I am a loving, caring…
Manic to Forstall Depression/Anxiety
December/January are dangerous months for me. It is an iconic period that interweaves…
Right now I am not doing well. So it is back to the basics If I think of depression as an illness, I can…
Depression/Anxiety is a random disease. It is frightening because in reality I have done nothing…
I am having a depression related sleep problem. I fall asleep easily around ten but wake up…
Shame/Guilt before Trauma
I am in a traumatic situation. I have a sick newborn granddaughter who has been in the ICU…
The Line between Life and Death
Life and Death are relative terms. Life/death can be about physical or mental death. In my case…
Depression-Where Are You?
The confusing and hard part about having the disease of depression/anxiety is to understand…
Trying to Find the Moment
Right now I feel like I am not at the right point in the 60 seconds that makes up a minute…
The scariest word for the sufferers of depression and anxiety, is SUICIDE. Why do I sometimes…
Afraid of Being Afraid
I have just experienced true fear. The crisis that ignited this fear is winding down. However, I…
A Hard Hitting Anxiety Attack
Full throttle anxiety attacks are frightening because of the mental and physical feelings…
My granddaughter was given another operation on August 20th to connect her heart and lungs…
Megan’s Beautiful Heart
I have a 20 day old granddaughter lying in an Intensive Care Unit just waiting…to be saved or…
I woke up feeling really anxious. I was having a flight or flight moment. After thinking about…
Any thought can be interpretation in two ways. As a depressive I will generally take the more…
Mother’s Day
I have wondered over the years whether and how my depression/anxiety has effected my…