Recent Posts
Each blog post has an accompanying piece of original art. These pieces of my art are meant to be a my visual interpretation of the emotions I am expressing in the blog post.
Blog Post Categories
12 Steps | Addictions | Anti-Depressives & Effects | Anxiety | Depression
Electro Shock Treatment | Holidays | Medical Care | Phobias | Suicide
It Descends
Saturday I was sitting in a restaurant having a delicious hamburger and out of the blue…
Anxiety Everyday
Every morning I wake up anxious, a sensation in my body of excess tension. I try to…
Imaginary Thinking
When one is three you use imaginary thinking to understand the world. If something bad…
Am I Ok or Not
I am in a situation where on any objective scale the world would say I am a loving, caring…
Right now I am not doing well. So it is back to the basics If I think of depression as an illness, I can…
Depression/Anxiety is a random disease. It is frightening because in reality I have done nothing…
I am having a depression related sleep problem. I fall asleep easily around ten but wake up…
Shame/Guilt before Trauma
I am in a traumatic situation. I have a sick newborn granddaughter who has been in the ICU…
Depression-Where Are You?
The confusing and hard part about having the disease of depression/anxiety is to understand…
Trying to Find the Moment
Right now I feel like I am not at the right point in the 60 seconds that makes up a minute…
The scariest word for the sufferers of depression and anxiety, is SUICIDE. Why do I sometimes…
Afraid of Being Afraid
I have just experienced true fear. The crisis that ignited this fear is winding down. However, I…
A Hard Hitting Anxiety Attack
Full throttle anxiety attacks are frightening because of the mental and physical feelings…
Megan’s Beautiful Heart
I have a 20 day old granddaughter lying in an Intensive Care Unit just waiting…to be saved or…
I woke up feeling really anxious. I was having a flight or flight moment. After thinking about…
Any thought can be interpretation in two ways. As a depressive I will generally take the more…
Mother’s Day
I have wondered over the years whether and how my depression/anxiety has effected my…
Sad About Nothing in Particular
I had a great day and as the sun set I started to feel sad. I went over everything that happened…