Recent Posts
Each blog post has an accompanying piece of original art. These pieces of my art are meant to be a my visual interpretation of the emotions I am expressing in the blog post.
Blog Post Categories
12 Steps | Addictions | Anti-Depressives & Effects | Anxiety | Depression
Electro Shock Treatment | Holidays | Medical Care | Phobias | Suicide
Self Compassion
The gift I denied myself this year is Compassion. I feel plenty sorry for myself for…
Alien for a Day
Between the holidays, my worry about my own family’s health and the fact that a person who…
Depression is a Serious and Deadly Illness
First order of business: Since electro-shock treatments (ECT) induces a seizure, all medicines…
It Descends
Saturday I was sitting in a restaurant having a delicious hamburger and out of the blue…
Anxiety Everyday
Every morning I wake up anxious, a sensation in my body of excess tension. I try to…
Am I Ok or Not
I am in a situation where on any objective scale the world would say I am a loving, caring…
Manic to Forstall Depression/Anxiety
December/January are dangerous months for me. It is an iconic period that interweaves…
Right now I am not doing well. So it is back to the basics If I think of depression as an illness, I can…
Shame/Guilt before Trauma
I am in a traumatic situation. I have a sick newborn granddaughter who has been in the ICU…
The Line between Life and Death
Life and Death are relative terms. Life/death can be about physical or mental death. In my case…
Depression-Where Are You?
The confusing and hard part about having the disease of depression/anxiety is to understand…
The scariest word for the sufferers of depression and anxiety, is SUICIDE. Why do I sometimes…
Afraid of Being Afraid
I have just experienced true fear. The crisis that ignited this fear is winding down. However, I…
My granddaughter was given another operation on August 20th to connect her heart and lungs…
Humility – A Way Forward
Easter is on Sunday and Lent was the prior six weeks. The Catholic practice (I am alienated…
Last month I dipped into a depression as I was changing around my meds. What is important…
Looking Back – Three Years of Working My Program
After three years of posting on this site, I decided to read over my posts and to try…
Finding a Calling for the New Year
Being depressed is like a calling…it takes so much time to deal with it to keep yourself…